Kindly review the FAQs section for more information. In case you cannot find the answer to your query, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
Shipping & Delivery
If you would like to cancel an order, please go to ‘Cancel Orders’ in the top right of the Order History tab after logging into your account. Simply select the order you would like to cancel and click ‘Cancel Order’.
Once your order has been canceled successfully, you will receive a confirmation message. If your order can’t be canceled in your account, you can contact our team to request order cancellation.
Please note that your order can only be cancelled if your items have not been dispatched already.
At present, our shipping is limited to Australia. Kindly note that we are unable to deliver to PO Box addresses.
Delivery time frames vary depending on the individual supplier and buyer location. More information about shipping is available on our shipping guide.
The items will be shipped via our courier partners. Please check our shipping guide.
We aim to dispatch most items within 1-2 business days upon receiving full payment. Our goal is to dispatch orders by the next business day, with a cut-off time of 3PM for placing an order.
Currently, a pick up option is unavailable at this time.
Warranty, Claims and Returns
At a minimum, most of our Suppliers offer a 12-month warranty on products, unless stated otherwise. Some products will be provided with an extended warranty.
Warranty covers products that are found to be faulty or damaged, except if stated otherwise on the product listing or sold as an accessory or bonus gift. This is noted on individual product listings.
Please refer to the individual product listing for the warranty period.
More information is available here
Warranty applies to items that are damaged on arrival or appear not to be functioning on initial usage. If this is the case, please contact us with the images or videos of any damages or faults upon arrival, then promptly open a case via Our Support Portal
If there appears to be a part missing, make sure you have checked the packaging thoroughly as small components may become loose during shipping. After a thorough check, if they fail to find the missing part, kindly contact us immediately so that we can offer our assistance.
Damages that occur as a result of misuse of the product by the customer or during delivery will not be covered by warranty. In addition, warranty does not cover normal wear and tear or damage to external product packaging only.
We reserve the right to refuse any claims made after our warranty timeframe and additional charges (postage and handling fee) may apply. Please do not return any faulty item to us without our approval.
As always, please refer to the individual product listing for the warranty period
More information is available here.
Please contact us immediately and provide the order number and we would provide assistance. Please note if the order is dispatched already, there is no way for us to stop the delivery as the delivery couriers does not share driver details to us.
Once a refund or replacement has been approved, it generally takes up to 2 business days to process. We’ll notify you as soon as the refund or replacement has been processed.
Note: A refund or replacement will not be provided if products are being misused, mishandled, or mistakenly installed. Customers are responsible for following the instructions and advice given by the manufacturers
No, we can’t dispatch an order until full payment is received.
Yes, all product costs are GST inclusive.
Usually, it takes around 1-2 days for payment to be processed. We only dispatch items once full payment is received.
You have the option to pay for your order using Credit Card, Credit Limit, PayPal, Google Pay , Apple Pay, AirWallex Pay ,zip Pay and AfterPay